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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Holistic Program Starting June 29

Become Certified as a
Holistic Health Practitioner
Prep Class for Certification through the 
 American Naturopathic and Holistic Association (ANHA)

Holistic Health Care Level 1  
Anatomy & Physiology Class
On Demand, On Location, or Live Online
 Set up Your Personal Date with the Teacher

Level 2 -  Saturday June 29, 2019
HHC2 -Pathology & Detox
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Holistic Health Care Certification Program 

Each Level $225 
Holistic Health Care (HHC)

All lecture classes can be taken online on demand.  On demand classes are pre-recorded and taken at your convenience.  All pre-recorded classes include a live question and answer session with the teacher. Upon completion of each level a special date and time is set up to have a live question and answer session by way of the internet or phone.
  The classes are independent modules and can be taken out of sequence
Class time 10am to 4pm     Make up classes are arranged with instructor.

Holistic Health Care (HHC)
Total cost $2,250
Class dates
IHHC1 -Anatomy &  PhysiologyUpon request
IIHHC2 -Pathology & DetoxJun 29        Sat
IIIHHC3 -Aromatherapy &  Herbal medicineJul 6           Sat
IVHHC4 - Homeopathy & Energy MedicineJul 13         Sat
VHHC5 - Iridology & Japanese HaraJul 20         Sat
VIHHC6 - TCM Principles & Meridian theory   Jun 23        Sat
VIIHHC7 - Pulse & Tongue    Jul 27        Sat
VIIIHHC8 -Clinical I         TBA
IXHHC9 -Clinical II         TBA
XHHC10 -Clinical III          TBA

    TBA Classes determined with previously enrolled students 

Call 202-237-7681 to register

 Make up classes are arranged with instructor

Each level includes Contact Hours: 6 (6 CEs per level)    
Homework Hours: 4

The student must complete ten levels. Each level is an independent module; therefore, the student may take them out of sequence except for Level VIII to X (clinical). After the completion of the program a student can take the exam with the American Naturopathic and Holistic Association.          
Upon completion students are eligible for certification through the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine and the American Naturopathic and Holistic Association

The Washington Institute teaches continuing education classes and a certificate program in Holistic Health/Naturopathy in Maryland.

The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) has reviewed the Washington Institute's classes and has determined that the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine is exempt from MHEC approval authority and therefore can teach in Maryland. 

Approved for continuing education through the
American Alternative Medical Association

Accredited by the
American Association of Drugless Practitioners 

Upon payment you will either report to our class location or you can participate through Live Online attendance with Adobe Connect.
Upon registering for the class let our representative know that you wish to attend Online.

Perfect for Nurses, Care Givers, Massage Therapists, and Aspiring Holistic Health Practitioners!

Receive continuing education credit and experiential learning credit towards an advanced health degree.

This course is required for the following degrees:

Integrative Homeopathy, Holistic Health,
Holistic Massotherapy (Massage), Natural Health,
Naturopathy and Naturopathology

The Demand for Holistic Health Careers and Practitioners  

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine recently reported that approximately 38 percent of adults in the United States are using some form of complementary or alternative medicine (CAM). This includes the following types of treatment modalities:
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2014-15 Occupational Outlook Handbook, the holistic health, alternative medicine and wellness industry has increased substantially since 2002, and all signs point to continued growth in the popularity of CAM through 2022.

A large number of people are willing to pay for this kind of health care, since CAM is usually not paid by health insurance. This growing demand makes it an excellent time to begin a career as a holistic health practitioner. See our Holistic Health Care Certification Program below.

Holistic Health Care Certification

Level 1: Anatomy and Physiology, and Medical Terminology.
This level familiarizes the student with each system of the human physiology and introduces the world of medical terminology. This level will help the student understand the client's description of symptoms and understand physician's diagnosis.

 Contact Hours: 7 Homework Hours: 6

Level 2: Detoxification and Pathology of Disease
Learn the holistic or naturopathic perspective of disease. Learn the importance of detoxification and various detoxification protocols.
 Contact Hours: 7   Homework Hours: 6

Level 3: Aromatherapy and Herbal Medicine
The student will learn how to use essential oils and herbal remedies safely.  Ailments of the Digestive system, Circulatory system and Respiratory system will be discussed.
 Contact Hours: 7   Homework Hours: 6

Level 4: Energy Medicine and Homeopathy
The student will learn how to use the electromagnetic power of the body, and how to use Homeopathic remedies for acute and chronic ailments. Ailments of the Nervous system, Reproductive system and Urinary system will be discussed.

 Contact Hours: 7   Homework Hours: 6

Level 5: Iridology and Japanese Hara Analysis
The student will learn the analysis of the iris and how it relates to the human anatomy. The Hara Analysis is a tool used to determine the present status of each energy center. Ailments related to the Immune system will be discussed.
 Contact Hours: 7   Homework Hours: 6

Level 6: Traditional Chinese Medicine
The student will learn the philosophy and principles of TCM and will also learn the 12 major Meridians and their symptoms when out of balance.

 Contact Hours: 7   Homework Hours: 6

Level 7: TCM Observations - Tongue & Pulse Analysis
The student will learn how to interpret the appearance of the tongue in relation to various organs and how to feel for the pulse to determine the status of the client's health.

 Contact Hours: 7   Homework Hours: 6

Level 8: Intro to Clinical -Treatment of Ailments I- ClinicalRotation - 4 cases
The student will interview the client, perform observations (Face, Tongue and Hara), test remedies and make recommendations.

Level 9: Intermediate clinical - Treatment of Ailments II - Clinical Rotation - 3 cases
The student will interview the client, perform observations (Face, Tongue, Hara & Iridology), test remedies and make recommendations.

Level 10: Advanced clinical - Treatment of Ailments III - Clinical Rotation - 3 cases
The student will interview the client, perform observations (Face, Tongue, Hara, Iridology, & Pulse), test remedies and make recommendations.

The student must complete ten levels. Each level is an independent module; therefore, the student may take them out of sequence except for Level 8 -10 (clinical). After the completion of the program a student can sit for an exam with the American Naturopathic and Holistic Association. This course is a pre-requisite for our Naturopathy program, which is approved by the State of Maryland.

To register call 202-237-7681. Please register two weeks before first class date so that we can send the class materials before class.     Cost -$2,250 without books


See a video on You Tube showing you the exam you will learn about:

See our school approvals on You Tube:

Call to reserve your space! 
Washington Institute of Natural Medicine
Primary Wellness Center in Washington, D.C. www.NaturalHealthDC.com
(202) 686-8202

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Ear Candling and Aqua Chi Classes

Ear Candling Class
Aqua Chi Foot Detox Class

Sunday, June 16, 2019 
Learn About


Ear Candling Class
10:00 am to 11:30 am

Ear Candling is a popular alternative health care service. The practitioner will learn to safely and properly perform this treatment that may support clients in relief of allergy symptoms, sinus pressure relief, and removing cerumen (wax) from the outer ear.

Workshop Fee: $55

Aqua Chi Foot Detox  Class
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm 

Aqua Chi Foot Detox is a unique alternative health care service. The practitioner will learn to safely and properly perform this treatment that may remove toxins and heavy metals from the body through the feet.

Workshop Fee $65

Special offer when signing p for both workshops:  $100

Robert White, LMT, DIM, CEP 
Doctor of Integrative Massotherapy
Licensed Massage Therapist
Certified Ear Candling Practitioner

About Robert:

Robert received his formal massage training at the Potomac Massage Training Institute (PMTI) in Washington, D.C., graduated in 2006 and received his national certification in 2007.  In addition he participated in the Georgetown University Mini Medical School, a program designed to create a peer relationship between students of medicine and massage.  In 2008 he went on to further his career goal by attending the Institute for Therapeutic Massage in Pompton Lakes, N.J. where he studied Hospital based orthopedic massage, and had an opportunity to practice at the Robert E. Johnson University of Medicine and dentistry, Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
In 2010 Robert joined the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine where his practice thrived, and he was named as the lead massage practitioner.  Furthering his vision for the massage industry, Robert received his Doctorate of Integrative Massotherapy from the First National University of Therapeutics which is a federally chartered school and has been in existence since 1906, and known as one of the oldest schools that offer degrees in alternative medicine.  Massotherapy (or massage therapy) is the treatment of disorders of the human body through "hands on" manipulation of the soft tissues. Massotherapy is also a kind of "preventative medicine." It is used to relieve physical stress and imbalance before they develop into serious problems.  Within the Doctor of Massotherapy degree program that Robert attended he studied advanced bodywork modalities.
These therapies augment conventional medical care.

Robert is also certified in Reflexology, Acupressure, Ear Candling, Foot Detox, and Lymphatic Drainage. 

Contact Robert White for details or questions online:
Call for further details or to register
(202) 686-8202, (202) 237-7681, or (301) 538-9540

Location: 3701 Connecticut Ave., N.W. #1, WDC 20008