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Monday, March 13, 2023

Mind Body Chakra Balancing April 22


Mind Body Chakra Balancing Certification Program

Ideal for:

Spiritual Coaches, Herbalists, Holistic Health Practitioners,

Energy Workers, Nutritional Consultants, Natural Health Practitioners,

Holistic Nurses, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, or new aspiring Chakra Balancing Practitioners.

Washington Institute of Natural Medicine

Certification Program

Mind Body Chakra Balancing , LEVEL I

Live Online

April 22, 2023


Special $195.00

 Regular Price $225.00

Instructor: Carolyn Jones, Holistic Health Practitioner

The Mind Body Chakra Balancing certification program is the study of how the chakras, or metaphysical centers of energy in the body, influence the mind, body, and spirit.


This course is designed to help students understand how chakras affect the mental, spiritual and physical well-being and how to perform a Chakra Therapy session. 

Program Dates

All classes Live Online from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Each Level is $225.00, Special $195.00


April 22, 2023


May 6, 2023


May 20, 2023

To register call 202-237-7681, (202) 686-8202, (301) 538-9540

Class Descriptions


This course will identify the seven chakras and explain how an activated chakra can help prana (life force energy) flow through the body.

Cleansing the chakras strengthens the aura and helps replace self-defeating thoughts and emotions with energy from the wellspring of the Divine Self.


By unblocking the chakras, energies that show up as guilt, fear, pain, and self-hatred can be released, leaving a fertile space for positive transformation and accelerated spiritual growth.




This course will explore the physical, psychological, and metaphysical signs of blocked energy at each chakra, as well as how to effectively unblock each chakra with sound, color, food, and nature.




This course will use breathing techniques, mudras, and mantras for opening the heart and crown chakras. An exploration of sensory attunement and the art of creative imagery and ritual will highlight this session.

On-Demand Online Classes are also available

Call to register: (202) 686-8202, (202) 237-7681, (301) 538-9540 

About the Instructor: Carolyn M. Jones

 Carolyn Jones is an herbalist, holistic health educator, a Bach flower practitioner, a certified aromatherapist, and a Bereavement Chaplain licensed with New York State Chaplain Task Force. As a community health advocate and holistic health educator, she also enjoys sharing her knowledge through Mother Earth Living as a contributing writer. 

Her presentation, "Holistic Grief: A Personal Journey," was featured at the 2021 American Herbalists Guild Symposium. 

Carolyn produces "The Healing Project Wellness Series," a webinar (every third Wednesday) that explores the medicinal and therapeutic use of plants. 

Carolyn also serves on the Board of Directors for Herbalists Without Borders, Inc. (HWB) and is the Founder of the HWB Healing Project Mobile Clinic.


Webinar Producer, The Healing Project: The Pandemic Series

 September 2019-Present

This webinar was created to provide the community with alternative self-care options and provide a platform for herbalists, aromatherapists, flower essence practitioners, energy healers, and others, at the height of the pandemic. The ongoing theme of this webinar is detoxifying the body, mind, spirit; and, more recently, green spaces.


Bereavement Chaplain, New York State Chaplain Task Force (NYSCTF)

August 2017-Present

Individuals in need of aftercare and solace are supported and encouraged to explore various self-care modalities to manage their grief and grief-related symptoms.


Holistic Health/Recreation Consultant

 September 2009-Present

Participants (60+) are encouraged to adopt a holistic self-care regimen to manage the stress of daily living, while learning about the benefits of herbs, tinctures, flower essences, tonics, essential oils, and hydrosols. The value of kitchen medicine is included in the lesson plan.


·        Allen Community Rockaway Boulevard Senior Center, June 2021-Present

·        Grace Agard Senior Center, July 2012-December 2019 

Instructor: Carolyn M. Jones