Guided Imagery Acupressure Reiki
Aura Clearing
Chakra Balancing Acu-Reiki
Light (Compassionate) Touch
Students and Seniors: $15.00
Have you ever wanted to experience complementary medicine therapies because you were not sure if it was for you? Here is a way to experience natural therapies in a carefree class setting.
Come meet our practitioners and experience a relaxing healing evening. Learn about Acupressure, Reiki, Aura Clearing, Chakra Balancing, Touch Therapy, Acu-Reiki, and Guided Imagery. Meet the director of the center and the practitioners that will be working with you.
The class will last approximately 1 – 1 ½ hours. The time frame may vary slightly depending on the needs of the class members and the assessment of the practitioners.
The methods offered may vary slightly depending on the practitioners available for the session.
Call to reserve your space, no later that the day of the class. Space is limited.