Instructor: Dr. Linda Khanzetian, NHD
Learn about hands-on healing and caring for those with a variety of disorders through touch. Become aquainted with the history of healing, Reiki, subo points and how you can use this knowledge to care for others. This class will instruct students in the full treatment process. They will learn how to give a complete touch therapy session.
Level I First level instruction includes meditation, grounding, clearing, self-healing, healing others and group healing. Discuss history, philosophy, benefits of Usui Reiki. The student will receive a first level attunement.
6/23 & 6/24/15 $225.00
6:00pm to 9:30pm both days
Level II Second level instruction includes benefits, how and when to use Reiki symbols, distance healing and opening the Kundalini. The student will receive second level attunement.
8/1/15 $225.00
Level III Third level instruction includes benefits, how and when to use third degree symbols, how to pass attunements, and teaching reiki. The student will receive third level attunement.
To be announced
Continuing Education Units Provided per contact hour
The class will be held at:
Washington Institute of Natural Medicine within Carib-Kami Holistic Center (Wilshire Condo building) 3701 Connecticut Ave., N.W. #6 Washington, D.C. 20008
Call for further details and to register.
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