Washington Institute of Natural Medicine
Inner Harmony Training
with optional Lightworker Certification
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Level 1 Dates: December 16-18, 2016
Friday evening 5:30-9:00 pm with potluck supper
(light finger food)
Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm with potluck lunch
Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with potluck lunch
Location: Potomac Massage Training Institute
8380 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910
(1/2 block from Silver Spring Metro, free parking available)
Level One: 18 hour training, cost: $300
To Register, Please call WINM at
202-686-8202, 202-237-7681, or 301-538-9540
Would you like to help heal yourself and the world? Are you either ready to commit to working or ready to enhance your work for the highest good of life in the universe? Are you wondering how to get started or wondering how to enhance the work you already do? Learn how to manage your own energies and intentions through meditation, awareness of chakras, life choices, and energy healing, so that you can be of better service to others. Identify your avenue of serving the highest good, and learn how to draw the assistance and guidance needed to follow your path. Light Worker Initiations/blessings are also offered for those who complete the coursework; initiation and certification are optional.
Course includes:
~ Subtle Energy Awareness Exercises
~ Chakras and their relation to the evolution of Self
~ Integration of Spiritual Worldviews in a Secular World
~ Meditation instruction (Raja Yoga)
~ Interfaith perspectives on Energy & Evolution of the Soul
~ The Seven Rays of Creation, the Archangels and Masters of the
Seven Rays, And how these can guide you on your path
~ Light Worker Initiations - Optional, individual Blessing & Dedication
This course is Level One of the Harmony Certification series offered jointly by Highest Harmony Healing & Coaching and the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine (WINM, whose courses are accredited).
Level Two is Harmony Healing - TBA
Level Three is Harmony Coaching - TBA
Instructor: Carol "Anandi" Richardson, M.Div., MPH, Energy Healer, Life Coach, Author, Teacher, Channel, and Medium. She serves the Light through Highest Harmony Healing & Coaching, the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine, National Integrated Health Associates, as well as the Self-Realization Community. With over 20 years of experience working with people, Anandi is a leading expert in accessing higher consciousness, empowering you to discover your core self, heal yourself, and find your bliss.
Inner Harmony Training - Further Information
Please bring: paper and pen for taking notes, pillows, cushions, yoga mats or whatever you need for sitting comfortably on the floor, and potluck vegetarian or vegan food.
Inner Harmony Training provides spiritual teachings for people of all religions as well as people who have no particular religion. There is no dogma, only universal spiritual truths that are accessible through mystical experiences and have been expressed in virtually all traditions, regardless of religion or culture. Without seeking to change one's religion, and without encouraging anyone to acquire a religion, the goal is to enhance one's spiritual practices, understanding, and experiences of the Divine within oneself and one's life. Perhaps the only prerequisite belief is that Sacredness exists within us, beyond us, and among us.
This class is for those who have already chosen to be on a spiritual path, and who have begun to commit to it, and also for those who have been on a spiritual path for decades. Even if you have been pursuing spiritual practices for many years, this class may still provide valuable tools such as:
- Powerfully effective meditation techniques, ways to describe subtle energy to those who don't know about life force energy
- understandings of various spiritual worldviews and their implications for life today
- ways to understand people's worldviews in relation to the chakras
- an introduction to Divine energies and intentions as Higher Beings who are able to provide assistance, protect us, and work with us for the healing of others
- ways to enhance our experience of the Divine personally and for the sake of others
- preparation for becoming a healer through raising one's vibration, expanding one's understanding of the chakras, and connecting with Higher Beings who assist with healing
The Lightworker aspect of Inner Harmony Training recognizes that most of us on the spiritual path choose to be of service to a greater good. In class, we emphasize practices that can enable us to be of greater service to the Highest Good of all life.
Uniquely blending Eastern and Western spiritual concepts, Rev. Carol "Anandi" Richardson encourages each person to discover and to share her or his Core Self, and to share as well as to enhance their own spiritual journey. One way that Anandi uniquely does this is by affirming the importance of the balance of the sacred feminine with the sacred masculine, honored equally, and expressed within and through each individual.
This class is Level One of a Harmony Training series, accredited through the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine. Level Two is Harmony Healing, a form of energy healing that synthesizes techniques and has been developed through Carol "Anandi." Level Three is Harmony Coaching, an intuitive form of coaching to enable others to fulfill their Divine potential, finding peace & harmony within.
Upon completion of the program graduates will receive Certifications through:
Washington Institute of Natural Medicine
and the
American Naturopathic and Holistic Association
Continuing Education approval from the
American Alternative Medical Association
Accreditation through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Call to reserve your space!
(202) 237-7681, (202) 686-8202, (301) 538-9540
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