Reiki Classes
Certifications with CE Credit
Starting Saturday October 28th
USUI Reiki Certification Program
Reiki consists of 3 levels that teach the student how to use Reiki healing energy for the physical, mental/emotional, spiritual level healing. It is a technique to channel universal energy for the purpose of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and spirit so healing can take place. Upon receipt of written documentation of 5 Reiki treatments, certificate of completion is awarded at each level.
USUI Reiki Practitioner Level I
(No prerequisite)
Learn about Reiki hands-on healing and caring for those with a variety of disorders through touch. Become acquainted with the history of USUI Reiki healing and how to use this knowledge to care for others. This class will instruct students in the full treatment process to use for self and others giving a detailed treatment guide. Chakra balancing will be discussed in this class along with ways to surround or shield yourself with energy protection, a method to center and ground, a method to clear and close the aura, and more. Level I works on the physical energy level.
Event Date/Time Saturday 10-28-2017 10:00am to 5:00pm
Fee: $225.00
USUI Reiki Practitioner Level II
(Prerequisite - you must have taken USUI Reiki level I in order to take this class. If you did not take it with WINM, you must bring a copy of your level I certificate with you.)
The level II activates the ability to send distance energy. Several methods of channeling the healing energy across the room, across the city, or across the world will be discussed including instructions on how to create a crystal healing grid and a Reiki "stack". This level focuses on emotional and mental level healing and it considerably increases the energy that is channeled from level I.
Event Date/Time Saturday 11-25-2017 10:00am to 5:00pm
USUI Reiki Master/Teacher Level III
(Prerequisite - you must have taken USUI Reiki levels I and II in order to take this class. If you did not take them with WINM, you must bring a copy of your level I and level II certificates with you.)
This class gives the instruction necessary to become a Reiki Master and attune/teach others how to use this amazing healing energy; it increases the amount of energy being channeled from the two previous classes. This level deals with spiritual level energy and gives instruction on how to teach/attune others.
Event Date Saturday 12-30-2017 10:00am to 5:00pm
Continuing Education Units Provided per contact hour
The classes will be held at:
Washington Institute of Natural Medicine
within Wilshire Condo building 3701 Connecticut Ave., N.W. #1
Washington, D.C. 20008
Call for further details and to register.
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