Lymphatic Drainage Manual Therapy
Lymphatic drainage manual therapy is a specialized body work technique that is provided by advanced trained licensed and certified health care practitioners such as nurses, massage therapists, and acupuncturists. This therapy applies repetitive pressure at lymph node sites and a stroking technique along lymph vessels that stimulates the movement of lymph fluid. This therapy assists with post surgical swelling and inflammation due to numerous heath complaints such as sinusitis, arthritis, gastritis, back pain, neck pain and more.
Nurses Throughout Time
Nurses have provided comfort to their patients for many years. In doing so, they have aided their patients with many forms of bodywork therapies. Bodywork including specialized massage has been a part of nursing history with its beginning in Florence Nightingale's first nursing school. Bodywork is still within the nurse's scope of practice but has been taught less and less over time. Now with the advent of alternative medicine, nursing bodywork is making a resurgence.
Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Physical Therapists, and Acupuncturists
LIcensed professionals can add this new technique to their skills whereby offering expanded care to their clients.
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