Aura/Energy Field Clearing
All human beings have an energetic aura that makes up the core of their being. When an aura is misaligned the negative energy emitted can lead to illness. Aura/energy field clearing is a powerful technique that clears and balances the aura/energy field removing negative energy and debris that has accumulated.
In this treatment, energy is run into the body starting with the feet, filling the aura as if blowing up a balloon. This energy then goes where it is needed to balance, charge, and restructure the aura/energy field. The initial treatment will generally last 1 ½ hours but may take up to 2 hours. Each subsequent treatment will take 1 hour or less.
I recommend a series of 5 sessions spaced out over a 2 month time period. If you have serious health issues, you will want to see me for a treatment at least once a month thereafter.

Testimonial: “I had the aura clearing treatment with Linda. It was amazing! I had been having trouble with injuries and tight muscles when running. When Linda gave me the treatment, I could feel the energy working through my left thigh. Since the treatment, I have felt better running and, more importantly, much more relaxed and carefree. It was a wonderful experience!“ Kathy B.
For further details or to receive a treatment cotact:
Washington Institute of Natural Medicine
Dr. Linda Khanzetian, NHD
5101 Wisconsin Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016
(202) 237-7681, (202) 686-8202
Dr. Linda Khanzetian, NHD
5101 Wisconsin Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016
(202) 237-7681, (202) 686-8202